National Association of Rural Landowners

Ron Ewart for President


It is said that anyone can run for president in America ... and win. Over the ten years we have been writing articles on freedom and property rights, we have had several readers suggest we should run for president and others who said they would vote for us, if we did run, even if the idea is nothing more than a fantasy. We have resisted the idea for many reasons, the first being, only a fool would subject him or herself and their family to the kind of media scrutiny and feeding frenzy that a presidential candidate must endure, especially a conservative candidate.

However, with the plethora of candidates now allegedly running for the conservative ticket and many of those candidates just a replay of the same old tired political games, we have decided to explore the possibility of being a serious candidate for President, as improbable as that might seem.

There must be a thousand reasons why we shouldn't run, but if we were to run we would be guided by the following platform.


Remember, a political platform is nothing more than a guide and a window into how a person or a party will govern. It is not sacrosanct and it is not set in stone. It may be reduced or expanded upon, depending on current realities. We'll take the issues one by one that a president would face while in office, but not in any particular order, nor is it all conclusive. Common sense will be our guide in almost everything, but still recognizing that common sense is not necessarily the solution to some complex problems.

THE ECONOMY: 1) First rule, you cannot spend more than you take in or you go broke. Sadly, America is broke. We would use our bully pulpit to lobby for a balanced budget, except in time of war.

2) Second rule, excessive regulation inhibits the economy, job growth and wealth creation. We would work with Congress to unwind the millions of regulations that stifle our economy.

THE NATIONAL DEBT AND DEFICITS: While you are sitting there at your dining room table and working on your income and expenses, you instinctively know that too much debt will eventually force you into bankruptcy. The National debt at $18 Trillion and rising is an invitation to what every family knows will happen ..... bankruptcy. But national bankruptcy is far worse than personal bankruptcy. It can lead to a complete change in our political and judicial system. It can lead to a dictatorship as the government moves to bring stability to an unstable country by the use of force under martial law. Annual deficits of $500 Billion to over $1 Trillion dollars will only add to the national debt where there is virtually no way to pay the debt back to the borrowers, even if the government took every earned dollar away from every citizen. If the current very low interest rate rises, and it will, we will be paying more in interest on the national debt than the entire defense budget. Such an inevitable event will make national bankruptcy occur sooner, rather than later. We either get the national debt and the annual deficit under control, or we will face the dire, unintended consequences of national bankruptcy. Our administration would make getting the debt and deficit under control through a long-range balanced budget and the significant rolling back of entitlement spending.

TAXES: Obviously, a government can't run without money. But when government is so inefficient and negligent that it wastes the money you pay them to the tune of 20% of the entire money they spend, it is high time to rein them in. In 50 years, since President Johnson's Great Society, your government has spent $22 Trillion, averaging $440 Billion each year. Has poverty decreased? No! It has increased and made generation after generation dependent on government. Here is the reality on taxes:

"YOUR MONEY IS GOVERNMENT'S MAJOR POWER OVER YOU: The first power that government has over you is YOUR perception that YOUR money is their money. The second power that government has over you is by using the money they take from you by force of law, against you. The third power that government has over you is that you will religiously obey all of their laws." (Will you?)

"Only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to environmentally enslave them; only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to "feed" a growing population of other people dipping their bills in the government "pig trough" and those "takers" voting for those very same politicians that take our tax money by force to keep the "trough" full; only when the people realize that their tax money is being spent to brainwash and indoctrinate their school and college-age children in the ways of socialism, multi-culturalism, radical environmentalism, collectivism and one-world-government; only when the people realize that their government is using their tax money to merge America into the one-world-order; only when the people realize that the only way to stop this attempted conquest of American freedom and sovereignty is to resist government, en masse, in every legal way possible. Only then will we reclaim our freedom."

We would aggressively look for ways to repeal the IRS and the Tax Code, drastically simplify the tax code, or replace the IRS and tax code with a constitutional alternative.

FOREIGN POLICY: 1) A bully not confronted, is a bully in power. A bully in power is a dictator. It is well known that a bully will only be defeated by a power greater than itself. No power is greater than American power.

2) All "bullies", no matter where or who, will be confronted by this administration with the full diplomatic range and military power at America's disposal, with a significant emphasis on military power. Our policy will be to bring the war to the enemy, no matter who it is, before the enemy has a chance to bring the war to America. Had we been president when Putin threatened invasion of Crimea, we would have sent a full aircraft carrier and destroyer battle group into the Black Sea to confront him.

3) We will reverse the reduction of funding for our military and work to increase it to the point America could wage war on two major fronts at one time. America's military strength is what keeps little and large empires from ambitions of geographical. religious, or ideological expansion.

4) We must seriously consider withdrawing from the United Nations in that the UN works against American interests and sovereignty with a vengeance. If they could, they would repeal the U. S. Constitution.

IMMIGRATION: Illegal immigration is only a problem because the government allowed it to become a problem by not adequately closing the border and not fully enforcing current immigration law. Our administration would move forward with aggressively closing the border first and removing the magnets that attract illegal aliens. We would remove ALL government subsistence, education, or health benefits to illegal aliens, along with withdrawing all social security numbers and drivers licenses, prompting self-deportation. Visa applications from all foreign lands would trigger vigorous investigations and severe limits to visas would be put in place. We would work with border states to enlist their help in controlling the flow of immigrants, drugs and terrorists. No comprehensive immigration policy is necessary. We only need to enforce current law.

VETERANS: The entire Veterans Administration office should be over hauled and new policies put in place with the funds to match. These new policies would create an absolute priority for treating our veterans and their families with respect, honor, dignity and the admiration that they deserve. These people gave their lives, mind and limbs in the service of our country, defending our cherished freedoms. The current VA programs are an egregious affront to these individuals and an abysmal travesty. My administration would make this an absolute priority.

EDUCATION: Public and higher education in America have become infected by a cesspool of over-educated, academic idiots that have trampled common sense into the dust by experimenting with our children's lives and engaging in indoctrination instead of education. Our administration would move to dismantle the U. S. Department of Education and transfer all public education responsibilities to the states and local government where they belong. We would encourage the drafting of an outline of education standards by the states, based on American exceptionalism, to use by local school boards as a guideline only.

SECOND AMENDMENT: We view the 2nd Amendment as one of the most important amendments included in the Bill of Rights and are a staunch defender of it. The 2nd Amendment was put there by the Founders to make sure a tyrannical government could not conquer the people with force. It wasn't designed to promote hunting, it was for self defense and making sure that government couldn't find it so easy to subdue the general population without facing a well armed militia. The people will not go easily into the night when armed.

ABORTION: We do not like abortion. It is without a doubt the killing of a human life, no mater at which stage of pregnancy. However, it is the law of the land and my administration would work with Congress to assure that no public funds would be used for abortion. I would work to stop all government subsidies to Planned Parenthood.

RELIGION: We are not religious, leaning more towards the provable and the knowable from science, rather than having to engage in a leap of faith to believe. However, we recognize that religion plays a vital and pivotal roll in the morality and integrity of any nation and is therefore a fundamental part of the fabric of that nation. We fully respect the religious beliefs of all faiths.

HOMOSEXUALITY: Not being religious we do not object to homosexuality on those grounds. Nevertheless, homosexuality, from our perspective, is an aberration of nature and although homosexuals should be afforded all the rights inuring to heterosexuals, we do not believe that those rights should extend to marriage.

ENTITLEMENTS: Run away entitlements are breaking this country. We would move to phase out most entitlements in 15 to 20 years in that the funding mechanism for every entitlement program is inherently flawed and totally unsustainable. Subsidies to the undeserving seriously weaken a country. Left on the current path, America will go bankrupt, sooner rather than later. It is high time that Americans quit relying on government and find ways in the private sector to subsist and care for them while sick and disabled, or in their later years. Obama Care is just one more entitlement leading America to national bankruptcy and must be repealed and replaced with a market-based solution that recognizes the doctor-patient relationship. The reduction of entitlements will free up funds for other vitally needed functions of government.

Government Entitlement Spending

The Growth Government Entitlement Spending

HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES: Why is the highway trust fund running out of money next year? Why are our bridges and highways in such a sad state of repairs? Why isn't there enough money for maintaining a strong military? Why is our economy in such dire straits? The major reason is that Progressives have been buying votes with money from the public treasury for the last 100 years and the money that would be available to keep our vital highway networks functioning and safe has gone to three types of exponentially expanding welfare. Without substantially reducing the funds to entitlements there will be less and less money available for roads and bridges, a vibrant economy and a strong military. The following graph illustrates the explosive growth of entitlement spending as it relates to America's Gross Domestic Product. This isn't bad fiscal policy. This is INSANE! Even an idiot can see that it is unsustainable.

THE BUREAUCRACY: The federal, state and local bureaucracies have become powers unto themselves, without any legislative oversight. Many federal bureaucracies have bloated budgets and tens of thousands of employees that "make" work. Their "make" work is an integral part of and adds to the too many regulations that plague people and businesses and make us all less free. I would present proposals to Congress to either rein in many of these bureaucracies, or dismantle them altogether.

ENVIRONMENT: We could write volumes on the environment and have. The environmental movement started out with good intentions to clean up air and water pollution in America. Then it got hijacked by radical national and international environmentalists, aided and abetted by the United Nations and the federal government. Environmental policy not only limits our rights, but adds significant costs to everything we buy. Current environmental policy is all about control of the masses, where in the masses are guilty of gross violations of the environment and must be regulated and restricted from many different activities. This is all part of the ever-shrinking bubble we mentioned earlier, in which government allows you to reside. My administration would take on the environmental lobby and put the brakes on a wide range of radical environmental policy promoted by national environmental groups and those affiliated with the United Nations. The United Nations Agenda 21 policy would be one of our first targets.

Any government program, including environmentally driven programs, that requires scientific evidence before implementation, must have at least a two-thirds majority of all private (not government) U. S. scientists in that specific discipline agreeing to the condition, prior to implementation of that program or the spending of government funds. New information should be analyzed frequently to see if changes to the program should be made.

Climate Change, alias man-caused global warming, is a planet-wide con and a fraud by world elites to implement a one-world-order by making the masses feel guilty about damaging the environment and conditioning them to draconian environmental regulations where property rights exist no longer and the bubble of individual freedom gets smaller and smaller. These regulations fall much harder on rural America but urban Americans feel the pinch in higher taxes and increased limits on their behavior.

RACE RELATIONS: Race relations and the accusations of racism will not go away until there is a major cultural shift in the black community. Police go where the crime is to control it. A large percentage of crime is occurring in the black inner city precincts, thus the incidence of police - black encounters will occur more frequently. This leads to allegations of systemic police racism. Until the fractured black families start putting more emphasis on two-parent homes and a good education for their children and quit playing the "victim" roll, these charges of police and white racism will continue. The government welfare system has made the situation even worse by demeaning the need for fathers in black families. Nevertheless, a president can use his bully pulpit to reverse the welfare trends and quit exacerbating the situation by parroting the racial stereotypes as has the current president and U. S. Attorney General have done. Cooler heads need to prevail if racial bias is ever to subside.

If we have missed anything, it is not by intent.

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