National Association of Rural Landowners


© Copyright by Ron Ewart, July 2005 - All Rights Reserved
(See re-print restrictions below)

So many people are ignorant of so many things about this country. Questions like, what form of government do we have? Is this information taught in schools today? What is unique about our form of Government? Why have we become the richest and most powerful nation on Earth under this form of Government? What are its checks and balances? What are my specific rights that are inviolate under our Constitution? Can the President create law, or is the creation of law strictly the purview of the Legislative Branch of Government? What does the Judicial Branch do? Are state Constitutions similar to the U. S. Constitution? What is Federalism? What is "positivism" and how does it affect me? What are the rights of trial jurors? What is Jury Nullification? What is the Supreme Law of the Land? How do international treaties affect Constitutional Law? Why do we have superior courts, appellate courts, state supreme courts and the U. S. Supreme Court? Why are there so many U. S. Congressmen and women and only 100 U. S. Senators? Why does law enforcement need a search warrant to search private property? What provisions are there to keep government from stealing my real and personal property? Why does environmentalism play such a large part of law making today? What are the real differences between the political parties? Why is the Democratic Party the so-called party of the "people", pro-abortion and environmentalism? Why is the Republican Party the party of lower taxes, less government, a strong military, self-reliance, independence, pro-religion and pro-life? What do these differences mean to me? What makes one political candidate better than any other candidate? Does character matter? Do principles matter, like constitutional principles? What is the Bill of Rights? What does the Declaration of Independence mean to me? Currently, do I really possess freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as the Founding Fathers envisioned when they drafted our Constitution? What difference does it make in my life if I even knew the answers to all of these questions.

The answers are lengthy and somewhat complex. How they affect you is determined by what you believe. If you like big government, social programs, handouts for the poor, elderly and the disenfranchised and in many cases, the able bodied, if you prefer abortion to pro-life, if you believe that the Constitution is a "living" document and subject to changes as society changes, if you believe environmental law supercedes constitutional law, if you believe in strong unions, then you probably believe as most Democrats believe. If however, you believe in the strict interpretation of the Constitution as the Founding Fathers meant it to be, if you believe in individual rights as enumerated in the Constitution, if you believe in independence and self-reliance, if you believe in a strong military and honor their sacrifice, if you believe in less government, less regulations, less laws and less taxes, if you believe that life begins at conception and abortion is murder, if you believe that judges are to interpret law, not make law, then it is very likely you believe as most Republicans do.

But no matter what you believe, there are some very strong principles at stake here. If you violate those principles, no matter which party you are aligned with, grave peril awaits all Americans. That strong principle is that if the Constitution fails and make no mistake, it is failing, the freedom, liberty and pursuit of happiness, which is the promise and guarantee of that Constitution, will slowly fade into the dark chasm of abject socialism and radical environmentalism. We are almost there.

Did you know that as an entity, like big government, big business or big labor, the ability to adequately control that entity gets more difficult as the entity gets larger and larger? These large entities lose control over their direction, their people, their management, their production and their money. Big government has lost all five controls and has become a danger to all Americans for that very reason.

Did you know that our "big" government wastes more money than the gross national product of many countries and it is in the billions of dollars? Over the last 100 years it is well in the double-digit trillions of dollars.

Did you know there are millions of laws and way too many of these laws conflict with each other allowing high-paid attorneys to argue over them for decades?

Did you know that environmentalism has taken over every level of government in this country and their agendas affect almost every law that is written and deeply affects every American in loss of freedoms and property rights?

Did you know that the cost of environmentalism for the last 30 years is in the trillions of dollars?

Did you know that the Sierra Club says the required density in cities should be 500 people per acre and did you know that that density equals 320,000 per square mile? Did you know that the reason they want these densities is so that we will not infringe upon the rural lands hence forth.

Did you know that there are over 4,000 environmental groups and associations in this country and the top five groups have combined assets in excess of $10 Billion?

Did you know that the human population in the United States only occupies 5.6% of the landmass, leaving 94.4% of the landmass for animals, birds, insects, plants and trees? Did you know that it took over 225 years for us to occupy that 5.6%. You would think that we could grow to 10% without upsetting the balance of nature.

Did you know that most environmental laws are interpreted to supercede Constitutional Law?

Did you know that under the doctrine of Jury Nullification, you as a juror can actually use whether you believe a law is just or not in your decision to convict or acquit a civil or criminal defendant?

Did you know that back in the 1880's the Dean of the Harvard Law School convinced the government to have the Judicial Branch of the government adjudicate laws and legislation as compared to case law, that changes over time, rather than determining if the law or legislation is Constitutional? This judicial process is called "positivism".

Did you know that over 4,000 illegal aliens cross over our southern border every day? It is estimated that there are between 10 Million and 13 Million illegal aliens in this country right now taking up jobs and sucking up your tax money by the billions?

Did you know that when an illegal alien has a baby while in the United States, that baby automatically becomes an American Citizen?

Did you know that when an illegal alien enters an emergency room for medical care that you, through your taxes, get to pay for that medical care? Did you know that most hospitals are required by law to accept illegal alien patients.

Did you know that many ethnic groups come to America and immediately get on government aid that pays for their food, clothing, shelter and transportation?

Did you know that the government, in 2006, is paying $1,400,000,000 (that's billion with a "B") in aid for 150,000 homeless people that supposedly exist in the United States and that aid equals $9,333 per homeless person. But did you know that only a small fraction of that $9,333 gets to the homeless person, because the government hires thousands of high-paid experts to administer to the homeless?

Did you know that your government gives away billions of dollars every year of your money to dictators in poorer countries where most of the money is sucked up by the dictator and very little goes to the people who need it?

Did you know that the Patriot Act, passed into law after 9/11, usurps some of your constitutional rights?

Did you know that under Washington State's Growth Management Act, counties and cities can pass laws (like King County's Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) that can steal up to 65% of your property from you without compensation?

Did you know that same CAO can impose buffers as high as 300 feet from wetlands, streams, rivers or lakes?

Did you know that under the CAO, if your neighbor cuts a deal with the government in doing something to his or her property that requires wild life buffers, those same buffers will extend deeply into your property, if you also try to do something with your property? Those wild life buffers have the potential of taking the rest of your property and you won't be able to do anything in those buffers but you will get to pay the taxes on the land.

Did you know that the social programs we administer to the poor, disabled, disenfranchised and even the able bodied are mostly Democrat sponsored legislation?

Did you know that we have spent trillions of dollars on social programs since the great depression and we have not reduced the level of poor people, per capita, in this country? In fact, the number has increased.

Did you know that all environmental laws are passed mostly by Democrats and but opposed by Republicans?

Did you know that the U. S. Supreme Court repealed the 5th Amendment to the Constitution in Kelo vs. New London, CT

Did you know that here in Washington State, the Democrat controlled legislature overturned Initiative 601 that requires a two thirds majority to raise taxes and then that same legislature insulated itself from initiative or referendum by a stroke of the pen from the Democrat controlled State Supreme Court?

Did you know by this act, that the legislature violated their oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the State of Washington?

Did you know that the violation of your oath of office can subject a politician to a recall by the people or impeachment by the legislature under which they serve?

If after reading these "Did you know's" if you aren't firmly convinced that less government, less laws, and less taxes is a "good" thing, then you are not using logic and objectivity to make your decisions. You are only using your emotions and blind party affiliation.


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